Wanborough Primary School

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Willow Class - Term 2

Last week, Class 4 had an eventful time with lots of activities taking place. In Design Technology, the children made salads using a range of ingredients. They also visited the theatre to watch Cinderella and had Christmas Jumper Day on Friday. Also on Friday, some of the children in the class performed a piano concert for the rest of the class.


Class 4 have been looking at the layout and features of a non-chronological report. They identified how to write the text type in preparation for their own writing. In Maths, the children have been practising their timetables through a range of different carousal activities. 


 In the class, the children have been learning about Roman battle formations. They compared them with the Celts and identified why the Romans were superior. The children acted out the wedge, repel and testudo formations using their amazing shield homework creations and understood why these formations were used against different enemies or in certain situations.


In class, the children have been learning about technology the Romans introduced to the Empire. One of these was the aqueduct. The children researched what they were used for and then had to design and build their own version. Finally, using drainage pipes, the children had to create a way of transporting water from the class taps to the outside door. Luckily they succeeded without spilling any water in the classroom!


Last week, the children had a fire safety talk from the local fire brigade. The children demonstrated great knowledge and came up with brilliant responses to the fire brigade’s questions. 

In English, the children have been learning about the layout and features of a newspaper before creating their own using real newspaper extracts. 

In Science, the children completed an investigation on sound waves and vibrations. They measured the strength of sound vibrations using telephone cups and string in a range of different locations around the classroom. After, they identified any obstacles that may have impacted the vibrations.  


 This week, the children have been investigating how the ear hears sound and the different parts of the auditory system. The children used tuning forks to recognise vibrations and how they interacted with water. 

Last week, the children raised awareness for World Diabetes Day and Children in Need. They took part in a range of activities and dressed up to support the foundations.





