Wanborough Primary School

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School Meals Menus

  • Lunch Box. We have Healthy School status and encourage eating healthily, so it would be brilliant if this message can be reinforced in the lunchbox.
  • School dinners are ordered in advance using special forms and paid for using Parent Pay - more details on the Dinner Menu Page
  • A healthy snack. Key Stage One (Reception, Year 1 and 2) children are provided with fruit every day.
  • A clear water bottle containing only water so your child can have plenty to drink during the day, although if your child doesn’t have a water bottle we can provide one.
  • PE Kit in a bag so that it can stay in school.
  • A book bag (or similar) for school books, the school link diary and any messages or letters to go home.
  • A painting apron or old shirt to protect the school uniform. This can be left in school.
  • Appropriate clothing for the weather. The children go outside for play unless the weather is very inclement and we often go on walks in the village so, depending on the weather, sun hats, sensible footwear or coats will be needed.
  • You do not need to provide a pencil case as we supply pens, pencils etc. to be used in school.