Wanborough Primary School

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Maple Class - Term 3

This week (commencing 10th Feb) Year 3 stepped back in time for an unforgettable Viking Day! A real-life Viking visited the school to teach the children what it truly meant to be a Norse warrior. Everyone made a fantastic effort with their Viking outfits and the children fully immersed themselves in a day packed with excitement and adventure.

The day began with a fascinating talk about Viking gods, where the Vikings came from, and some incredible facts about their way of life. With their heads full of Viking knowledge, the children then put their skills to the test in a thrilling Viking quiz.

 Next, they had the chance to examine a variety of Viking artefacts, including cooking pots, utensils, and combs, giving them a glimpse into daily life in a Viking settlement. After that, it was time for some fun and games! They learned how to play Fox and Geese, a traditional Viking board game, and had a go at creating kennings—clever Viking-style riddles used in poetry.

 The excitement continued with a fascinating weapons and armour display, where the children got to see how Vikings defended themselves in battle. But no Viking experience would be complete without a raid! Year 3 bravely stormed Year 6, taking prisoners just like real Viking warriors.

 To end the day on a high, the children took part in an intense round of Viking spear wrestling, testing their strength and balance in a friendly but competitive battle.

 It was an action-packed day full of learning, fun, and adventure. Everyone looked incredible in their Viking outfits—well done, Year 3! You made fearsome Vikings!

Maple Viking Day


This week (commencing 3rd Feb) we had a very creative week! We painted beautiful Viking boats sailing to Britain with a lovely background of our choosing. Lots of us chose to create brilliant sunsets and we discussed how we could layer the paint to create a lovely effect. We also created our own Viking ships using 4 pint milk bottles! We added dragon heads, shields and a sail to create a fantastic Viking look!

Maple Viking boats


This week (commencing 27th Jan) we wrote fantastic persuasive texts trying to convince others to move to our Viking village. We then edited and revised our writing to make it the best we could! Finally, we published it as a beautiful leaflet! Lastly, Year 3 did an utterly brilliant performance for world beat and showed dedication, resilience, hard work and enthusiasm! Well done Year 3!



This week (commencing 20th Jan) we took our time to create fantastic Viking knot prints! It took a lot of resilience and perseverance as we carefully pressed out design into Styrofoam and painted it to be able to make an effective print! 

Maple Viking Print


This week (commencing 13th Jan) we explored Norse Art and carefully drew Viking knots. 

In Science, we also investigated whether if you have a larger femur can you jump further. We found this was not always the case and explored other contributing factors to explain why someone can jump further than others. 

Maple Class Science Investigation

This week (commencing 6th Jan) Year 3 have had the opportunity to partake in some drumming lessons! They have really enjoyed learning different techniques and following the rhythm of the song. 

Maple Drumming Term 3 Week 1

 In French with Mrs Hook, the children also got involved with the French tradition 'the King's cake' where they were all given a piece of brioche and the ones with the jelly bean hidden inside were crowned the king or queen. 

Maple French lesson





