Wanborough Primary School

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Elm Class - Term 2

In class on Wednesday, the children debated the two topics given to them - as homework - to prepare a persuasive argument. All children debated with good volume and spoke clearly, whilst providing strong justifications for their viewpoint. It was clear that they had taken time to consider their view and develop an argument that used a range of cohesive devices to link their thoughts. It was lovely to see the children talk with confidence and listening supportively to each other.

Year 5 Debate


Over the past few weeks, Elm Class have been exploring the impact of air and water resistance upon objects. In groups, the children developed three different parachutes to test. They were then dropped from the same height to ensure a fair test. The results showed that there can be other factors that impact the rate at which the parachutes fall. Our following session then explored the impact of streamlining objects on the effect of water resistance. These results did – for the majority – reflect the predictions of the children. As a result of the new learning, the children were able to begin to make links to real-life situations.



What an exciting week we have had! This week, in English, we have been exploring different narrative texts and our next focus text - Freedom Bird. On Thursday morning, Elm Class had a brilliant workshop with the author Matt Oldfield at Ridgeway School, who discussed his journey to become an author of over 80 books! Thursday was also World Diabetes Awareness Day, where the children dressed in blue, and Friday was Children in Need - the children looked fantastic!


During our first week back, we introduced our new unit in Science. The children investigated the question - 'Does the size of a spherical object change the size of the crater?' - by dropping various spherical objects, from the same height, and into the sand below. They then took three measurements of the width of the crater and found the average measurement. The children then analysed their findings and drew a graph to represent their data.



