Wanborough Primary School

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Acorn Class - Term 3

Our maths was all about measuring this week. In the beginning of the week we focused on mass, using balance scales to compare objects, making predictions before we weighed them. Then we looked at capacity and filling containers using the language of empty, half full and full. 


This week, we continued with our work on 'Handa's Surprise' by trying some of the different fruit from the story. First, we talked about how we should always try new foods before we decide if we like them or not. We tried: banana, tangerines, mango, passion fruit, pineapple and avocado. 

Everyone in Acorn class tried all six fruits and some even found a new fruit that they loved! Mango was the most popular and passion fruit the least. 


Our topic this term is all about 'Fantastic Food'. To start it off, we read the story, 'Handa's Surprise', a story that is set in Africa. We have learnt all about where Africa is on a map and globe and talked about the differences between Africa and Europe. This has also been our drawing club story, we drew Handa, a map from her village to Akeyo's and the basket with all different fruit in. As well as drawing, we have retold the story using the language from the text and sequenced the story.

